Dr. Lois Harmon’s Latest Release

God created each person to live a purpose-filled life—one that is intentional and meaningful, and He has a grand plan that involves pursuing purpose and obtaining success by His standards. This book helps readers explore the amazing benefits of pursuing purpose as they recognize and understand God’s will and purpose for their lives. It aims to help readers maximize their lives holistically—spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and relationally.
Dr. Lois Harmon has put together a comprehensive, encouraging, challenging itinerary for the person who is pursuing purpose in life....Thank you, Dr. Harmon, that, in your own journey with the Lord, you have discovered that a part of your purpose is to assist others on their journeys as well.
- Rev. Dr. Calvin Austin
Dr. Lois Harmon provides a masterfully written and expository narrative in this awe-inspiring publication....Divine revelation flows out of every paragraph with empowering tenets of living on purpose, with purpose, and for purpose.
- Dr. Dawnette Banks
In her book, Pursuing Purpose, the author guides the reader through an in-depth analysis of how our shortcomings and fears in life are overcome by action faith....The author presents both Bible stories and modern-day examples as well as strategies to assist the reader in understanding that the challenges we face in life only serve to makes us stronger when we overcome fear and exercise on faith.
- Dr. Genniver C. Bell